Varumärke ANACONDA
Corner Protectors

Corner Protectors

LDPE. Effective protection for goods in transit and storage. Typ 1- Standard Protector. Typ 2 - Way Corner. Colour Natural.

best.nummertypPanel ThicknessProtected Lengthst. i förp.pris/paket/stpris/st
1232110,8-1,2325000 pc1,2 SEK2,7 SEK
1027712,0-3,0455000 pc2,6 SEK3,5 SEK
5180022222x45x452000 pc1,3 SEK2,7 SEK

Corner protectors for high loading. Typ 3 - Standard Protector. Colour-Black. Typ 4 - Heavy Duty. Colour - White.

best.nummertypPanel ThicknessProtected Lengthst. i förp.pris/paket/stpris/st
11273634451000 pc1,5 SEK1,6 SEK
11273736451000 pc1,1 SEK1,7 SEK
11273838451000 pc1,1 SEK1,8 SEK
112739310451000 pc1,1 SEK1,8 SEK
112740312451000 pc1,5 SEK3,4 SEK
11274131555500 pc1,5 SEK3,4 SEK
11274231855500 pc1,5 SEK3,6 SEK
11274332055500 pc1,6 SEK2,6 SEK
11274432255500 pc1,7 SEK2,7 SEK
11274532455400 pc2,1 SEK2,8 SEK
11274632555400 pc1,8 SEK3,4 SEK
11274732855400 pc1,8 SEK2,9 SEK
11274833055250 pc1,8 SEK2,9 SEK
11274933255250 pc1,8 SEK3,6 SEK
11275033855250 pc3,4 SEK3,2 SEK
11275134055250 pc2,1 SEK3,4 SEK
11275234755250 pc2,6 SEK3,6 SEK
11079642045250 pc1,6 SEK2,6 SEK
3986143045250 pc3,6 SEK6 SEK
3624144045500 pc3,9 SEK6,3 SEK

Typ 5 - Expandable. Colour - Black. Typ 6 - Open. Colour - Black.

best.nummertypPanel ThicknessProtected Lengthst. i förp.pris/paket/stpris/st
112753515,0-35,055500 pc1,1 SEK1,8 SEK
112754535,0-60,070250 pc2,3 SEK3,6 SEK
3624063445350 pc3,6 SEK4,8 SEK

Prices are without VAT. If specified order number, please, it will add it to the selected type of goods. We will be glad to send you any quantity. In case of large subscriptions, please contact us.

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